Mexico Breaks Up a Migrant Caravan, Pleasing White House The Mexican authorities used pepper spray on a caravan of 4,000 Central American migrants who tried to enter the country illegally, and dangled the possibility of jobs for those who registered. BY KIRK SEMPLE AND BRENT MCDONALD Illegal Immigration, Immigration Detention January 25, 2020 at 05:25AM New York Times - Lets explore news - movie news,technology news,and more and more news of the world
HomeEnglish Newsnew york timesnewsNYTMexico Breaks Up a Migrant Caravan, Pleasing White House The Mexican authorities used pepper spray on a caravan of 4,000 Central American migrants who tried to enter the country illegally, and dangled the possibility of jobs for those who registered. BY KIRK SEMPLE AND BRENT MCDONALD Illegal Immigration, Immigration Detention January 25, 2020 at 05:25AM New York Times
Mexico Breaks Up a Migrant Caravan, Pleasing White House The Mexican authorities used pepper spray on a caravan of 4,000 Central American migrants who tried to enter the country illegally, and dangled the possibility of jobs for those who registered. BY KIRK SEMPLE AND BRENT MCDONALD Illegal Immigration, Immigration Detention January 25, 2020 at 05:25AM New York Times
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